💦💧💦luxury authentic tantra massage and fantasy!💦💧💦 beautiful, h🔥t, fit, doctorate. heightened state of ecstasy! 💦💦💦

Posted : Sunday, January 26, 2025 04:30 PM | 5 views


Inviting the mature, refined,  affluent gentleman   to an exciting   world of intense relaxation and rejuvenation. You will feel as if you have had a mini-vacation within a very short period of time.  In this, you will also have residual benefits. This experience can help you if you are having writer's block, planning goals, generating ideas to grow your business, rejuvenate you as a result of burn out, and help you tap into positive energy to help your relationships.  It is a mind-body extravaganza!

I use special techniques to relax you and realign and charge the seven (7) energy centers of the body. That will enable you to immediately feel a shift.  One happy person, after a session, screamed how ALIVE he felt. He has since indulged frequently.  Another said: “first session was absolutely incredible and the last time was one of the best experiences of my life!!!”  Another exclaimed: “I have been massaged by the best, but I have NEVER been massaged like THAT before!”  Another said “I felt very safe, relaxed, and loved during the experience!”  Still, another said after  being a twenty (20) plus year smoker, once he started taking sessions and feeling wonderful, the smoking became antithetical, which prompted him to give up smoking  (through patch, and gradually over the course of one year).  So, a wonderful shift can occur for you!  All one needs is a shift, in the right direction, put one foot in front of the other, and off you go!

Experience this unique and effective treatment for yourself!  I am well trained and certified in Swedish massage, and other modalities. I am certified in holistic treatments, including chakra energizing and realignment.  I am certified in hypno-therapy .  The session is a mind/body extravaganza.  The massage is an integral component of our objectives.  I deliver a thorough therapeutic massage (not parlor quality massage), where we work layer by layer, progressively getting deeper to relieve tension.  Can’t go too deep too fast because the muscle will think it is under attack and seize up,  thereafter  won’t let us in again. Also many people do not realize it, but when the muscles are tight, blood does not flow freely through the tissues to whisk away toxins and waste products that the cells constantly emit.  So massage is a very beneficial treatment.  I am present, physically and mentally during your massage, that is, I don’t think about what I had for  breakfast   yesterday, or my to-do list after the session.  My  awareness  is  on  you the entire time, and I vigilantly look after your well-being the entire time.  

Fantasies are also on the menu:  seduction, nurse/patient, boss/worker, cross-dressing, teacher/student, dominance, fetishes and more!  We will incorporate dialogue, clothing and fine details to bring your psycho-drama to life.  If you are not sure what your fantasy is, I am happy to be your Sherpa   guide.  To uncover yours, think about what experiences you may have had when you were coming of age (12-13 years), because puberty awareness   is new, exciting, so certain experiences can latch on and cement)…ask yourself: were there any experiences that may have seemed  innocuous at the time, but now, they bring excitement and pleasure to you, and have imprinted deeply into your subconscious.  

I am very friendly, empathic,  personable   and   have a positive out-look. All these factors are important because the recipient will feel it through the touch. This will enable us to enter the portal of the magic world mentioned above.

I am very attractive, multi-faceted: athletic--run, swim--musically inclined, play chess, well-traveled, intellectually curious, great sense of humor, and a people-person. I also have a doctorate degree.

Call now to begin our journey!  YOU WILL LOVE IT!







The waiter smiles from cheek to cheek, not because he is angling for a fat tip, but because he knows the dish he placed before me is a masterpiece.  As my mouth begins to drip, I thought if a taste museum opened for food, this Picasso of a dish would surely be at the top.  The delicate clams caress the slippery, firm linguine, as it swims in a “grab your attention” wine sauce that is impossible to decipher.  If Atlas was given a bite of this dish for his efforts, he would quickly say: “Oh yes, I can keep going...carrying this spine-breaking globe!”  Whenever I am in a terrible mood,  I order this dish--twelve times, and counting.  Few pleasures compare--not even a body shaking orgasm with a modern-day Cassenova. 

Once, while strolling through Barnes and Noble, and about to leave, It caught my eye--in the cookbook section: “The Moosehead Restaurant Signature Dishes”.  My eyes bulged, jaw dropped as I quickly grabbed the book and looked at the table of contents.  There it was! “Linguine and Clams in Wine Sauce”  I made a beehive to the cashiers then off to the market, fishmonger, and wine store.  I intended to follow the recipe to the letter.  With all ingredients in hand, including measuring spoon and cup, I set out to prepare the dish.  I turned off my phone--the world would wait.

After I cooked the dish, with my mouth watering, I placed a folk-full in my mouth, and  I knew instantly it was not the same dish as the one in the restaurant.  It was ok, but it was not a work of art.  At that moment it occurred to me what an old man once said to me: “If I learned that a person knows he has a terminal illness, and he declares that ‘this would be my last book’, and he has no children, family or friends, and he is a lover of knowledge, and he has a giver’s, teacher’s spirit, I would  buy that book, drop everything and devour it., because I know he would not want to die with his knowledge, and secrets in him.  He would want to leave it all behind.”

On the contrary, Moosehead restaurant  is a thriving business.  People come from all over to savor the amazing dishes.  They know their dishes are treasures.  Why would they publish a book, giving these secrets away?  I am sure the owner of the restaurant has children, family, etc.  At the very least, they could sell the restaurant along with all the true recipes of the dishes, and use the money to fund their favorite charities.

Why then did I think the Moosehead book would have revealed this valuable secret?  It must have been that I removed that aspect of humans to be selfish, hoarding, deceptive, proprietary out of the equation or the picture, because I wanted to believe that was the true recipe.  I blinded my own self.   Imagine two pictures:  In one, the subject is in focus.  The background is out of focus, but there is clearly stuff there.  In another photo of the same scene, the subject is in focus, but so is the background, clearly visible.  Some stuff more in the distance than others, with a deep depth of field.  When I saw the Moosehead Signature dishes, I believed it.  I believed the cookbook would contain the recipe to the exact dishes I have enjoyed in the restaurant.  So the dish was in focus, but everything else--deception, hyperbole, greed,  was out of focus.  So, I did not see that something that valuable would be given away so cheaply, therefore it may not be true.  Had I included that possibility in the  picture and kept it in focus, however distant, it would have been among the wide range of human characteristics, and  it would have occurred to me that  the recipe was a trade secret, like Coke Cola and that they would not give it away.  

Broadly speaking, hadI reflected that when you deal with a human, always have the background in focus, that that person has free range and capability to access all of human emotions and characteristics, including negative ones, I would have been disappointed upon learning of the deception  but I  not have been crestfallen. 

So too, when dealing with anyone--including mates and family members, it is wise to  have that person, and his wonderful presentation in focus, but also keep all the characteristics of being a human--decit, envy, jealousy, cruelty, etc. in full focused view, however distant from the foreground.  That way you can see little seedlings of negativity begin to grow and you can take preemptive measures, such as having a conversation to resolve it and push it back to the background, otherwise it can grow to critical mass.  If you have it out of focus, thinking that those characteristics don’t exist because  this person is wonderful, you can get blind-sided.  The happiest lawn owner knows that weeds are par for the course, and that he will always have to tend to the lawn for such--seeing the budding weeds, and yanking them out or dealing with them otherwise.

 So, keep  the entire range of human characteristics in the background, however small , so that you can see it coming upon you.  Trust, but verify, according to the old Russian proverb.  Yes, we should trust, based on our past dealing with a particular person, but know as long as the person has access to the full range of human characteristics, he can have a shift in his life and access these emotions.  Ask anyone who is divorced, how people can change!

So the conclusion is yes, reach out and embrace, mingle with people, trust people (having  evidence of such), do business with people, but as long as people have access to vile behavior, that can get triggered from a traumatic event in their lives, and  that can cause that person to have a paradigm shift, put all that in clear focus in the frame with that person, so that if the unthinkable happens, you might take two or three blows but still be able to maneuver to protect yourself.  Not believing that a particularing person can act on negative characteristics can leave you blindsided, and get too decimated to defend yourself.  So, when dealing with anyone, keep all positive and potentially all negative elements, so that that person can access as a human being all in  full focus, so you can see bad things coming, and take preemptive action.


  • Poster's age : 37
  • Mobile : 6469222208
  • City : Manhattan
  • Location : Multi-Orgasms,PROSTATE., Strap